Polja - advertising for travel agents

Released on = January 21, 2007, 2:10 pm

Press Release Author = mini mice

Industry = Advertising

Press Release Summary = Place for travel agents to adveritse. This will not result
in high trafic coming from the large number of site vistors but more as uper
advertisers site page rank for search engines. Marketing is strictlly targeted so it
is frinedly for people who visit the site as well as the search engine.

Press Release Body = Polja is market place based on pixel adveritising model. It is
base place for travel agents ads. Marketing is free and benefits for travel agent is
such that some visitors could randomly come from the site (as this is model in pixel
ads business) but it is important that only travel related subjects could apply for
FREE submission on the site. On that way selective marketing is kept and is friendly
for people who visit the site and spiders as content is higly related with spider
metatags. There are some words from Travel Analyst that could be red on the site
from time to time. Site is user friendly and submission is in few simple steps for
any travle realted business subject who wants to advertise on the pages. It is only
one main page and all subjects are lsited there. Statistics of the site is visible
under separate pages and is opened for public.

Web Site = http://www.polja.com

Contact Details = mini mice
Melb. Vic, Clayton North , Gardiner rd. 23

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